A Nautical Expedition to the Russian Far East
Coastal Volcanic Peak, Kamchatka
View from Zhupanova River, Kamchatka
Urup Island Cliff Face
Urup Island Fox
Kunashir Island Coastal View
Urup Island Cliffs
Spectacled Guillemots
Itrup Island Coastal Promontory
Bird Cliffs
Coastal Waterfall
Fin Whale
Harbour Seal
Harbour Seal and Pup
Harlequin Ducks
Itrup Island Thermal Springs
Itrup Island Thermal Springs Spa
Arctic Hares
Kamchatka Bear
Kamchatka Bear and Cubs
Kamchatka Bears
Horned Puffin
Tufted Puffin
Morzhovaya Bay Shipwreck
Morzhovaya Bay Cliffs, Kamchatka
Our Vessel, the Professor Khromov, at Anchor
Volcanic Peak from the Zhupanova River, Kamchatka
Abandoned Nuclear Submarine Base on Simushir Island
Decomposing Boot
Leaving Simushir Island . . .
Sea Otter
Stellar Sea Eagle
Sea Lions basking . . .
Siberian Rubythroat
Yankicha Island Caldera Panorama
Yankicha Island Arctic Fox
Yankicha Island Coastal Cavern
Roosting Red Faced Cormorant
Yankicha Island Caldera
Yankicha Island Awklets swarming at Dusk
Zhupanova River Harbour Seal
Kamchatka Dawn
Coastal Monolith, Kamchatka
Reindeer Herd
Fulmars swarming a Russian Trawler
Sea Gull atop the Ship's Mast
Roosting Tufted Puffins
Harbour Seals in the Zhupanova River
Leaving Russkaya Bay
Red Fox
Fulmar skimming the Sea surface
The Spirit of Enderby at Anchor in Morzhova Bay
The Mouth of Russkaya Bay
Sea Lions squabbling
Sea Lions - Dominant Males surrounded by their Harems
Sooty Albatross
Leaving the Zhupanova River
Lead Zodiac leaving Russkaya Bay